Please contact us for an approval prior to returning your product. All our products are tested at the factory and come in 100% working condition.

After the approval, you may exchange the product within 30 days from its arrival, please inspect the products as soon as possible. reserves the right to test returns and impose a customer fee equal to 20% percent of the product sales price if the customer misrepresents the condition of the product. Any returned product damaged through customer misuse, is missing parts, or is in unsellable condition due to customer tampering, will result in the customer being charged a higher restocking fee based on the condition of the product. Customers are responsible for the return shipping.

In case you attempted to install the product and was unable to figure it out, no longer need it or bought a wrong item and want to return it, there will be a 20% restocking fee applied to all refunds and you will be responsible for the return shipping fees. We do not provide return labels.

To avoid additional charges, our products must be returned in original box or safely packaged in another box with padded envelope, with no wear and tear or damages to any components.

It's customer's responsibility to make sure they are buying the right product for their model and understanding basics of the installation process. Please carefully read product description, if not sure which product is the right fit for your car, please contact us for assistance.

We encourage you to carefully read our installation guide before beginning the installation or use professional help. If you have any questions during the installation, please don't hesitate to send us an email with pictures or videos of your installation process and our support team will be happy to help installation or troubleshooting any issues.

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